We have skilled, compassionate practitioners who are trained in the mental health management.
We are equipped to care for all patients, from new born to more senior, to ensure immunisation schedules are adhered to.
Our doctors can advise on and provide travel vaccinations required for different parts of the world.
We do minor surgeries and procedures like skin excisions, wound closure and management.
With prompt diagnosis, treatment or specialist referral, we help you return to sport, exercise or work.
We understand the importance of good health and feeling good. We will provide assistance to keep you healthy & happy.
Management of long term disease or terminal conditions is important and we can support you with regular checks and monitoring.
For those that require an assessment or to identify health issues and conditions that might prevent you from performing a job role.
If you have a skin lesion that you don’t like the look of or that irritates you – get it checked and treated.
In addition to our experienced doctors – we also have a visiting Podiatrist. Get back to doing the activities you love.
We have skilled, compassionate practitioners who are trained in the mental health management.
Keep cervical cancer at bay by getting a Pap smear done with a pelvic exam at regular intervals.
Our doctors have extensive experience in helping you with your pregnancy. They are very happy to assist with prenatal, antenatal and post natal care.
It’s possible to detect pregnancy test as early as 11–14 days after ovulation. We can have results within in a couple of days of consultation.
We can offer education, advice and a course of action for how and when you want to have children based on your circumstances.
Suffer from hearing loss or having difficulties keeping up with conversations? Let our visiting health partners help.